Things that we've done or hope to do based on recommendations!
Hawaii Things To Do
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc!
Click on a category to jump ahead:
Kauai Things to Do || Kauai Resort Pass || Maui Things to Do || Maui Resort Pass
Oahu Things to Do || Oahu Resort Pass || Island of Hawaii Things to Do
Island of Hawaii Resort Pass || Our Map & Map Lists || Where to Stay || Food
Kauai Things To Do
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc!
Jack Harter Helicopter Tour || Kauai, Hawaii
Kilauea Lighthouse || Kauai, Hawaii
Kalalau Lookout || Kauai, Hawaii
Anini Beach || Kauai, Hawaii
Kauai Resort Pass
Resort Pass allows you to buy one-day passes to a resort, their spa and/or cabanas at a great price! It's a great way to enjoy a resort without the price tag. Talk about some serious ME time or invite some friends for a relaxing day!
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc! Images courtesy of Resort Pass
Maui Things To Do
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc!
Maui Resort Pass
Resort Pass allows you to buy one-day passes to a resort, their spa and/or cabanas at a great price! It's a great way to enjoy a resort without the price tag. Talk about some serious ME time or invite some friends for a relaxing day!
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc! Images courtesy of Resort Pass
Oahu Things To Do
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc!
Oahu Resort Pass
Resort Pass allows you to buy one-day passes to a resort, their spa and/or cabanas at a great price! It's a great way to enjoy a resort without the price tag. Talk about some serious ME time or invite some friends for a relaxing day!
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc! Images courtesy of Resort Pass
We use Private Internet Access on all of our devices. It's so easy to toggle on/off and makes sure you can access your data SECURELY, especially while you're traveling and using public wifi! Use our offer below that gets you 82% off and coverage for 2 years on up to 10 devices!
Island of Hawaii Things To Do
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc!
Island of Hawaii Resort Pass
Resort Pass allows you to buy one-day passes to a resort, their spa and/or cabanas at a great price! It's a great way to enjoy a resort without the price tag. Talk about some serious ME time or invite some friends for a relaxing day!
NOTE: Most links on our website are affiliate links, which means that The Bouj Crew collects a little bit of money or points when you click on certain links (this is at no extra cost to you). This is to help us with the upkeep and fees associated with running a website, offering products, etc! Images courtesy of Resort Pass
Hawaii Google Maps Lists
Google Maps List adds it to your Maps app so that you can see the highlights of what we recommend! The lists include food, attractions as well as places to stay
Where to Stay
Hotel Hawaii
Hilton Garden Inn Kauai Wailua Bay , Hawaii
Dai un'occhiata al nostro itinerario Kauai che include questo hotel O guarda la recensione di Google 4 STELLE qui
Ultima data di soggiorno: aprile 2021
Hilton Waikoloa Village
Big Island, Hawaii
Dai un'occhiata al nostro itinerario/blog di Big Island che include una breve recensione di questo resort qui
Ultima data di soggiorno: aprile 2022
NOTA: La maggior parte dei collegamenti sul nostro sito Web sono collegamenti di affiliazione, il che significa che The Bouj Crew raccoglie un po' di denaro o punti quando si fa clic su determinati collegamenti (questo non comporta alcun costo aggiuntivo per te). Questo per aiutarci con il mantenimento e le commissioni associate alla gestione di un sito Web, all'offerta di prodotti, ecc.!
Hotel e resort in cui siamo stati e SPERO di soggiornare. Inoltre, come ottenere sconti e soggiorni GRATIS
Leggi le nostre avventure e le cose che abbiamo fatto. Condivido anche indicazioni importanti per ogni attività e come ottenere sconti su di esse!
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